
There are presently no open calls for submissions.


GigaNotoSaurus publishes one story a month. We pay $100 per story on acceptance. We ask for first serial rights and non-exclusive, indefinite archival rights, though the author is welcome at any time to request a story be removed from the archive. Stories are made available for reading online as well as downloadable formats (EPUB and MOBI).

What We’re Looking For:

GigaNotoSaurus accepts Science Fiction or Fantasy (or any combination thereof) from 5,000 to 25,000. We could wax eloquent describing the kinds of stories we like, but it wouldn’t be useful; there are dozens of things we don’t know we like until we try them.  Send us that story you really believe in–the one, maybe, that quickly ran out of places to submit it to because it’s so long. Don’t query to gauge our interest in a particular subgenre. Just submit the story.

We actively seek to include stories told from and by a diverse range of cultural backgrounds, sexual orientations, and genders. We are particularly interested in #ownvoices stories.

Please use Standard Manuscript Format, and upload your manuscript as an RTF file.


  • We do not accept simultaneous submissions (stories sent to more than one market at a time)
  • We do not accept multiple submissions–only send us one story at a time.
  • We do not accept reprints or “expansions” of shorter published work. Your story must be previously unpublished (this includes self-published work)
  • Please do not resubmit a story that has been rejected by GigaNotoSaurus, even after revision, unless specifically invited to do so by the editor.


You should receive a reply to stories under seventeen thousand words in thirty days. Expect a longer response time for novellas (seventeen thousand words and up) — please allow forty-five to sixty days for a reply. Queries for novellas are appreciated after sixty days.

If you have submitted a story and haven’t received a response, please email: and include the word “Query” in the subject line.

Thank you for thinking of us for your work!